The benefits of the month of Shawwâl
1. Benefits
Shawwâlul Mukarram is the 10th month of the Islamic calendar. It is one of the most blessed and beneficial months. The Holy Prophet() has said, “The month of Shawwâal is full of pure blessings and doing Ibadah in this month brings a lot of rewards. It’s first day is Eid-ul- Fitr. And on this day, the favours of Allah descend. For that reason, it is also called the day of Rahmah(Mercy). On this day, Allah created Jannah and on this very day the tree of Tooba was planted. On this day Hazrat Jibraeel() was selected to transmit Wahy. [Ghunyatut Tâlibîn, Vol 2, P 20].
2. The fast of Shawwâl
The six days of fasting in Shawwâl are most beneficial and rewarding. In the Hadiths, the Holy Prophet() has said:
“Whoever has fasted in Ramadan, then in Shawwâl observes another 6 days of fasting it is as if he (or she) has fasted for the whole year. [Mishkaat Shareef, 179]. Masla- The fast can either be observed consecutively as from the 2nd o Shawwâl or on alternate days. But it is better to observe the fasting on separate days. [Durré Mukhtaar].
3. Les Namaz Nafil de Shawwâl
- On the first night of Shawwâl or during the day after Salatul Eid, whoever performs 4 rakaat Namaz with this order – After Alhamd 21 times Surah Ikhlaas, Allah will open for him the 8 doors of Paradise and close the 7 doors of Hell.
- On any day in Shawwâl, read 8 rakaats Nafil. After Alhamd, recite 25 times Surah Ikhlaas. After the Salaam, read 7 times Subhaanallah. Then 70 times the following Durood Shareef:
Benefits of Shawwâl
Allâhoumma swalli ‘alaa Mouhammadinin nabiyyil oummiyyi wa ‘alaa aalihee wa ashaabihee wa baarik wa sallam. O my Lord, send Your Blessings, Your Grace and Your Peace on our Chief, Hazrat Muhammad, the Ummi Prophet (Source of Wisdom) , and on his Family and Companions. The one who performs this Namaz, Allah opens the door of Mercy for him. Allah builds a holy house for him in Jannah. In that house no one except him will have access and 70 of his needs are fulfilled.
4. Demise and Urs Shareef of Awliya Allah
- 1st Shawwâl: Hazrat Sayyidunâ Makhdoom Yahya Munîri (R.A).
- 2nd Shawwâl: Sayyidunâ Imamul Awliya Khwaja Usmaan Harooni(R.A).
- 8th Shawwal: Hazrat Maulana Hasrat Mohaani(R.A).
- Shahadat Hazrat Ameer Hamza(R.A).
- Battle of Uhud.
- 13th Shawwâl: Hazrat Ameer Khusrou(R.A).
- 16th Shawwâl: Hazrat Allama Shah Ahmad Noorani Siddiqui Quaderi(R.A).
Hazrat Yahyâ Ibn Mu’âdh Râzî(R.A) said : “The fool is the man who has wasted the days of his life in what is useless (or petty things), who has imposed on his limbs what leads to ruin and who has died before gaining awareness of his sins [From Hilyatul Awaliya Wa Tabaqatal Asfiya by Abû Nu’aym]
Isaal-e-Sawaab for Parents
The Holy Prophet() has said: “Whoever between Maghrib and Esha on a Thursday night reads 2 rakaats Nafil and in each raka’ recites 1 time fois Ayatal Kursî, 5 times Surah Ikhlaas, 5 times Surah Falaq and 5 times Surah Naas and after the salaam reads 15 times Istighfaar then 15 times Durood Shareef and sends Sawaab for this Namaz to his parents then he is deemed to have performed their rights on him. Apart from Allah, no one knows how many rewards these two
rakaats contain. [Nuzhatoul Majalis]
Advice from Hazrat Fudayl Ibn Ayaz(R.A)
Hazrat Fudayl Ibn Ayaz(R.A) said: “We should not sit alongside anybody, in conformity to the Word of Allah: “And when you those who delve in the discussion about our Signs, go away from them! “(S6: V68) ‘Until they discuss abou something else, because otherwise you would be like them.” (S4: V140) We should neither look at someone freely, in conformity with the Word of Allah: “Tell the believers that they should lower their gaze!” (S24: V 30). We should neither speak without knowing, nor listen or desire anything, in conformity with the Word of Allah: “Do not follow what you know not! the ear, the eyesight, the heart, all of this will be held to account!’ [S17: V 36].
Aqwaal Khwaja Mu’inuddeen Chishti Ajmeri(R.A)
- To be in the company of good people is better than doing a good deed, whereas evil company is worse than committing a sin. 2. Do Tawba and Istighfar everyday. {It is recommended to do it before going to sleep so that the sins committed during the day might not be written in the Book of records.} 3. When you ill-treat and humiliate your Muslim
brother, it causes more harm than when you commit a sin. 4. The best moment is the time when the heart is free from any incitement. 5. May your hand be involved in earning you a living, but your heart should always be preoccupied with the remembrance of Allah.