The Bridegroom

The necessary information & documents needed:

    1. ID card
    2. Proof of Address
    3. Birth Certificate
    4. Indicate Whether Bachelor, Married or Divorcee
    5. For Foreigner
      (i).   Copy of Passport
      (ii).  Address in Mauritius (Temporary)
      (iii). Letter from an Islamic Institution in his locality to confirm that he is a SUNNI MUSLIM

And one of His signs is that He created mates for you from yourselves that you may find tranquillity in them, and He put between you love and compassion; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.

Quran Surah, 30:21

They (your wives) are a clothing for you and you too are a clothing for them

Quran, Surah 2:187

The Bride

The necessary information & documents needed:

    1. ID card
    2. Proof of Address
    3. Birth Certificate
    4. Whether Spinster, Divorcee, Widow (since when because ‘iddat to be observed)
    5. If divorcee, a valid letter or copy of Talaak Namah/ Divorce Certificate from a Recognized Islamic institution should be produced
    6. Statement from Masjid or recognized Islamic Institution confirming that she has embraced Islam if she was a non-muslim or confirming that she is a Sunni Muslim.
    7. Wakeel and 2 witnesses
    8. The amount of Mehr
    9. For Foreigner
      (i).   Copy of Passport
      (ii).  Address in Mauritius (Temporary)

Jummah Masjid Fees


Rs 1,500
  • Nikah Ceremony


Rs 3,000
  • Nikah Ceremony
  • Web streaming


Rs 2,000
  • Nikah Ceremony
  • Outside Lighting


Rs 3,500
  • Nikah Ceremony
  • Web streaming
  • Outside Lighting


Mutual agreement by the Bride and the Groom


Two adult and sane Witnesses


Mahr to be paid by the Groom to the Bride


Guardian representing the Bride

Nikah Application

Please click here to download Application Form to be filled.

Feel free to contact Br M Riyaad or Br Zahir on 242-1129 if you need any information.